Agriculture and Biodiesel | Farming Practices

Farming Agriculture and Biodiesel industries work together.

Farmers recognize that biodiesel is an asset to use in their farm equipment. Low blends of biodiesel (B2 and B5) offer exceptional lubricity. These low grade mixtures can slow engine detrition. It is also a clean-burning fuel that is friendlier to the environment. Health of the environment and the land being farmed is of highest importance to the industry. They are also major producers of biodiesel manufacturing materials. Biofuel source material provides a large amount of revenue for farming communities. This helps reinforce positive feedback to the community. Being able to produce and use the product with positive results helps promote biodiesel’s reputation. Biodiesel is a renewable energy source. This promotes the local economy the farmer lives in by not sending money out to import fuel in. Biodiesel allows for the farming economy to stay self-sustaining, allowing generations to keep operating family farms and take some cost of daily operations out of the equation.

Dry Mill Ethanol Process

Farming Agriculture and Biodiesel

Ethanol is important in the fight for energy independence.  Ethanol is used in most of the gasoline across the country.  Petroleum extraction has continue to grow and the effects on our environment continue to get worse.  Producers of ethanol have innovated the process by getting more yield from a bushel and less water to do it. Most ethanol has come from grain although advanced facilities are using woodchips, switch grass, prairie grass, and paper waste. The future and the economic benefits of renewable fuels stand before us.