Benefits of Biodiesel | Positive Impact of Biodiesel

There are many benefits of biodiesel.The biodiesel industry function is to help create a balanced energy policy with the most benefit to the United States. Biodiesel fuels are designed to extend the helpfulness of petroleum, support engine durability, and lower emissions of diesel engines. No changes need to be made to existing diesel vehicles in order to incorporate biodiesel into the system. Lower CO2 emissions and renewable resource factors of the production of the biodiesel make it more environmentally friendly especially when it comes to spillage. Biodiesel benefits all of the following areas. U.S. Energy Security and Balance, Air Quality, and Environmental Safety. Also see Biodiesel Application Facts here.

Benefits of Biodiesel vs Adverse Aspects

Benefits of Biodiesel
Benefits of Biodiesel

Biodiesel is produced domestically and is renewable source of energy. It provides thousands of jobs, which creates economic stability and reliable energy sources. Biodiesel is clean-burning, making emissions from motor vehicles lower than when burning petroleum based fuels. The amount of carbon dioxide produced from burning biodiesel is the equivalent to what the raw material absorbs while growing. So if the biodiesel is made from soy beans, the amount of carbon dioxide that is created from fuel consumption is actually absorbed through the growth of new soy plants. For every one unit of energy produced from a petroleum based fuel, 4.56 units of energy can be created from biodiesel. This means we would actually consume less fuel if we used strictly biodiesel. Biodiesel spills are also far less harmful to the environment. It is less combustible having a flashpoint at 130⁰C, where petroleum has a flash point at 52⁰C. According to the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, vehicles using biodiesel only have a lifetime average of 52% less greenhouse gas emissions rate.